Hamburg Steak Curry Rice

Made with Love

Hamburg Steak Curry Rice

Bahan – bahan

  • Nasi 150g
  • Hamburg 100g
  • Saus Curry 200g
  • Kentang (rebus, potong dadu)
  • Wortel (rebus, potong dadu)
  • Tomat ceri (potong setengah) 2 pcs

Cara membuat

1. Siapkan nasi terlebih dahulu

2. Siapkan daging hamburg, lalu tata di atas nasi

3. Cairkan saus kari dengan air matang, lalu tuang ke seluruh hamburg dan nasi

4. Rebus kentang dan wortel, lalu potong dadu, dan tata di piring

5. Tambahkan tomat ceri di atasnya sebagai hiasan

Produk yang digunakan

Made with Love

Hamburg Steak Curry Rice


  • Rice 150g
  • Hamburg 100g
  • Curry sauce 200g
  • Potato (boiled, diced)
  • Carrot (boiled, diced)
  • Cherry tomato (half-cut) 2pcs

How to make

1. Prepare the rice beforehand

2. Prepare the hamburg meat, then arrange it on top of the rice

3. Thaw curry sauce with boiled water, then pour it all over the hamburg and rice

4. Boil both potato and carrot, then dice it, and arrange it to the dish

5. Add cherry tomatoes on top as garnish

Product used