Fish Furai

Made with Love

Fish Furai


  • Fish furai 200g
  • Omayo Tartar sauce 20g
  • Cabbage (minced)
  • Parsley (whole, not chopped)
  • Lemon (sliced)
  • Cherry tomato (half-cut)

How to make

1. Fry fish furai until brown-ish
2. Arrange fish furai on to the plate along with cabbage, parsley, lemon, and cherry tomato as garnish
3. Pour tartar sauce on top of the fish furai, or put it into separate container as a dipping


Product used

Made with Love

Fish Furai

Bahan – bahan

  • Fish furai 200g
  • Saus Tartar (sachet) 20g
  • Kubis (minced)
  • Peterseli (utuh, tidak dipotong)
  • Lemon (iris)
  • Tomat ceri (potong setengah)

Cara membuat

1. Goreng ikan furai sampai kecoklatan
2. Tata ikan furai di piring bersama dengan kol, peterseli, lemon, dan tomat ceri sebagai hiasan
3. Tuang saus tartar di atas furai ikan, atau taruh di wadah terpisah sebagai celupan


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